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          Service Hotline:400-005-1898

          Product Category

          Quick Search

          Base Clams :05BC107


          Technical Parameter

          2D Drawing


          Using 05BC107 you can position any JK base and most base mounted components at any angle on the table and have not to be limited by mounting hole pattern of the optical table. For using clamps the device is positioned so the slot of the clamp is over the base and so the screw can be inserted into a tapped hole. Tightening this screw can generate sufficient force or mostmounting  applications.

          Technical Parameter

          Tel: 010-85811898 85819658 65867819 4000051898  Fax:010-80856507

          Website:www.www.hgfhw78.cn  E -mail:jike-stage@sohu.com   jk@www.hgfhw78.cn   Address:Hangyangxin Insustrai Park, Xiaopu,Songzhuang ,Tongzhou Dis,Beijing China 

          京ICP備06028825號 Web Design:HarvestServer
