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          Miniature Fiber Optical Spectrometer



          Technical Parameters

          Specifications                    MSB3000 MSB3001 MSB3002 MSB3003 User-defined
          The Main Parameters  
          Size 70mm×96mm×45mm
          Weight 400g
          Optical Parameters  
          Focal Length 42mm input; 68mm output
          Slit the Incident 100μ 50μm 150μm 100μm 30-200μm(optional)
          Grating 600L/mm 450/600/1200L/mm
          Filter Integration Filter(250-850nm,non-standard)
          Fiber  Connection SMA905 relay to 0.22NA fiber
          Spectrum Parameters  
          Wavelength Range 340-950nm 400-1100nm 700-1100nm 220-800nm 200-1100nm(optional)
          Blazed Wavelength 340nm 450nm 1000nm 250nm -
          Bandwidth Spectrum 4nm 2nm 5nm 4nm -
          Wavelength Accuracy ±1nm
          Wavelength Repeatability <0.1nm
          Noise 0.003Abs
          Stray Light 0.3%(500nm)
          Integration Time 5ms-65s
          Electrical Parameters  
          Energy Consumption 250mA@ 5 VDC
          Data Transfer Rate 40Mbps(USB2.0)
          DAC Resolution 16bit
          Interface USB2.0 RS232
          Detector Parameter Sony ILX511 OR Toshiba TCD 1304AP and Hamamatsu
          Detection Range S9840
          Pixels 220_1100 nm( Hamamatsu S9840)
          Pixel Size 1024PIXELS,3648(tOSHIBA TCD1304AP)
          Signal to Noise Ratio 14µm×200µm
          DAC Resolution 500 : 1(at full signal)
          Linear Calibration Value 12 bit

          Flexible configuration: According to the band range of users ,the different requirements of the resolution,flexible configuration and slit grating.

          Optional Items:

          Slit the incident: the incident is the slit width,the smaller the value,about the high-resolution spectrometer,but the lower the energy system,poor signal to noise ratio.

          Grating:the greater the grating groove density,the greater the grating dispersion,the higher the resolution,but under the same conditions,the smaller the scope of the band.

          Receiver:Sony ILX511(2048 pixels) and Toshiba TCD1304AP(3648 pixels) for visible light receiver,in response to the spectrum of 340~1100nm,Hamamatsu S9840(1024 pixels) for the ultraviolet-visible receiver,in response to the spectrum of 200~1100nm.

          More conventional form for the model configurations,such as the user has any other special requirements,please contact the local sales agent,or to contact our company.

          Fiber-optic components:

          It is a kind of optical fiber for optical signal transmission medium for the dissemination of material,which is the main mechanism into the core of the signal light,clad interface reflection after the completion of the optical signal in the core of communcation,in order to achieve data transmission.The optical signal attenuation small,strong toughness,strength,good temperature stability; tp provide a variety joint reflection projection type of measurement to meet the diverse needs of customers;SM905 standard interface to connect to a variety of measurement components, to complete a variety of different types of measurement.

          Fiber Type Quartz,glass plastic optional
          Measurement Range 220nm~1100nm
          NA 0.22
          Fiber Diameter 100,200,400,500,600,1000µm
          Fiber Length 2m(Or by user request)
          Bend Radius >0.3m
          Core Pure Silicon
          Paper Material PVC,PVC+Metal Spiral Pipe
          Operating Temperature -40~+75℃

