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          Service Hotline:400-005-1898

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          Precision Tilt Platforms :02TT221A


          Technical Parameter

          2D Drawing


          02TT221A provides angular adjustment about two-axis - tilting and in-plane rotation. The mounting platform is rotated around kinematic pivot point by two micrometers. The out-of-plane tilting range is ±2° and the in-plane rotation range is ±2.5°. Two micrometers screws are located side by side for a handy use. The adjustment movements are not calibrated, and they are uncoupled. The mounting platform has a 25 mmgrid of tapped holes M6 and M4. Two clearance holes Ø6.2 are provided in the base of the unit.

          Dimensions: 148x92x33mm

          Technical Parameter

          Tel: 010-85811898 85819658 65867819 4000051898  Fax:010-80856507

          Website:www.www.hgfhw78.cn  E -mail:jike-stage@sohu.com   jk@www.hgfhw78.cn   Address:Hangyangxin Insustrai Park, Xiaopu,Songzhuang ,Tongzhou Dis,Beijing China 

          京ICP備06028825號 Web Design:HarvestServer
