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          Service Hotline:400-005-1898

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          Self-centering Lens Mounts :03CM001A


          Technical Parameter

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           03CM001A reliably centers and securely holds round optics and cylindrical objects. This device is particularly valuable when lenses of different diameters are being used interchangeably, as repeated centering at constant height is necessary. The Self-Centering Lens/Optics Mount 03CM001A accommodates optics up to 40 mm and is oversized to provide easy finger access for inserting and remaining optics. When released the three arms grip the lens in deep grooved jaws, automatically centering the lens within the holder.

          • Automatically centers and holds optics from 6 to 40 mm ;
          • Easy insertion and removal of optics

          Technical Parameter

          Tel: 010-85811898 85819658 65867819 4000051898  Fax:010-80856507

          Website:www.www.hgfhw78.cn  E -mail:jike-stage@sohu.com   jk@www.hgfhw78.cn   Address:Hangyangxin Insustrai Park, Xiaopu,Songzhuang ,Tongzhou Dis,Beijing China 

          京ICP備06028825號 Web Design:HarvestServer
